Facing Foreclosure? We CAN Help!

Avoid Foreclosure to prevent a negative financial impacts

Some of the issues that result from foreclosure include:

  • Severely Damaged Credit Score: A foreclosure stays on your credit report for seven years. This makes it extremely difficult to get loans, credit cards, or other forms of financing at favorable rates.
  • Difficulty Buying Another Home: Lenders will be reluctant to grant you a mortgage after a foreclosure, and you may need to wait years before again qualifying.
  • Forced Eviction: You lose your shelter and will need to find a new place to live, which can be a sudden and stressful process.
  • Challenges Renting: Landlords often run credit checks, and a foreclosure makes you a less desirable tenant. This can make finding a new place to live difficult and expensive.

Steps to Avoiding Foreclosure

These are a few of the steps that you can take of avoid foreclosure. Our Experts will go over the full list of options.

  • Reinstate the loan: There are different loans options available to get caught up on payments.
  • Loan modification: We can work with your current lender to modify the terms of the loan.
  • Sell Your House: Selling your home quickly may be better than going through a foreclosure. We are able to pay cash with no closing costs or fees.
  • Bankruptcy: This is an options but we DO NOT recommend it. In most cases this only extends the foreclosure and accrues legal fees.